i'm in winnipeg
when i said i was going to winnipeg, everyone was like "oh nice", which, as far as i am concerned, is an objectively strange response. the proper response is "why?".
it's a question that i was thinking the entire time i was in the airport waiting for my flight, and i only grew more curious when the dude at the reception for my gate said that the flight was completely full.
why are we all going to winnipeg??? it's truly not a place that you'd go for any sort of leisure, like anywhere else it's like "yeah we're all going to australia because it's a cool place to be" or whatever but with winnipeg it's like. it's winnipeg.
there's got to be some sort of real tangible reason why everyone is going to winnipeg and it's interesting. anyway here's some pictures of winnipeg to help emphasize that like. this is not a place that you come for just a vacation or whatever:

but anyway when i was on the flight i started thinking about something that i kind of forgot about while i was staring out the window, which is
one of the classes i took for my degree was a storytelling class, and one of the assignments was to just write 10 different concepts for a story, and one of the stories i came up with stuck in my head in particular (until i forgot about it lol).
the premise was, as the section header may clue you into, a MURDER MYSTERY, where a group of people go skydiving together, and when they all jump out of the plane, one is clearly dead and murdered.
you, the detective main character, have to figure out WHODUNNIT before the crime scene goes splat on the ground.
the game would be pretty short, and would involve you talking/shouting to the other people you're skydiving with, investigating the body, and presumably also thinking a lot in order to crack the case.
maybe a time limit also? maybe not. i'm not sure. wait i could make it so the difficulty is a gravity slider so you can turn it down to give yourself more time. that would be funny. but also maybe no time limit is more viable especially because this would largely be text based.
anyway, now i'm thinking about this concept a lot and i do wanna do it, especially because it would be a shorter game so it would be something i could do to get back into the groove of game making after my hiatus.
maybe i'll do it in godot or unity? or maybe unreal engine. idk... i'll probably ask to see what other people think. but anyway, i'm kind of sleepy so i might just watch naruto for the rest of my night. thank you for reading!